Wigram Primary School – Te Piki Kāhu

We are a school filled with students from a variety of ethnicities (we have 33 different cultures represented at our school) who are passionate learners, enthusiastic, and happy. We have a very dedicated group of staff, who love working at Wigram Primary and put the child’s needs at the centre of everything they do.

At our school, we often do things in house groups. Each child gets placed in a house group when they start school. The house groups are Kittyhawk, Skyhawk, Mustang, and Harvard. These house groups are led by student leaders in which they do fun activities and have the opportunities to earn rewards.

Throughout everything we do at Wigram Primary, we make relationships the centre. We truly believe that the most important thing in the world is the people. – He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tangata, he tangata, tangata.

The school’s vision, Learning Together, Soaring to new Heights, reflects our desire to work in close partnership with our whānau as we work together to see our tamariki reaching new heights.

Our Vision

Learning Together, Soaring to new Heights

Our Values

Are known as HEART values, which stands for:
Hauora, Explore, Aspire, Respect, Taonga.


Wigram Primary School relocated to The Runway, Wigram, in January 2019. We cater for year 1 – 6 students within our flexible learning spaces. We are very fortunate to have four new, open plan learning environments, along with excellent outdoor resources such as junior and senior playgrounds. Along with this, we have been working in consultation with the Ministry of Education in regards to Stage 2 of our school’s buildings which will provide us with additional learning spaces.